The Onefour Research Station is located in southern Alberta’s Dry Mixedgrass natural sub-region. The station consists of native grasslands that are dominated by blue grama grass, Needle-and-thread grass, and western wheatgrass. The table below is a list of research publications that have at least one field location at the Onefour Research Station (as well as some that are from the Manyberries area and Antelope Creek Ranch). The table is searchable for specific topics using keywords to narrow the list down (e.g. Willms and long-term grazing). Many of these publications are under copyright and posting links for downloading is not permitted. Specific publications can be requested for individual use by contacting Lisa at Please include author(s), year, and title in the email request for electronic pdf copies of publications.
Onefour Research Station in the dry Mixedgrass prairie, Alberta, Canada
Authors | Year | Title & Journal | Keywords |
Batbaatar, A., Carlyle, C.N., Bork, E.W., Chang, S.X., Cahill, J.F. | 2021 | Multi-year drought alters plant species composition more than productivity across northern temperate grasslands. J of Ecology 110: 197-209. | climate extremes, drought, grasslands, plant species composition, precipitation manipulation, productivity |
An, H., Zhang, B., Thomas, B.W., Beck, R., Willms, W.D., Li, Y., Hao, X. | 2019 | Short term recovery of vegetation and soil after abandoning cultivated mixedgrass prairies in Alberta, Canada. Catena 173: 321-379. | soil carbon, nitrogen, species richness, diversity, recovery |
Buzanskas, M.E., Ventura, R.V., Selegium Chud T.C., Bernardes, P.A., Santos, D.J.dA., Regitano, L.C.dA,de Alencar, M.M., Mudadu, M.dA., Zanella, R., Barbosa da Silva, M.V.G., Si, C., Schenkel, F.S., Munari, D.P. | 2017 | Study on the introgression of beef breeds in Canchim cattle using single nucleotide polymorphism markers. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171660. | Onefour cattle herd, genetics |
Thomas, B.W., Hao, X., Willms, W.D. | 2016 | Soil organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus 13 yr after abruptly disturbing Northern Great Plains grassland. Can. J Plant Sci. 97(2): 329-333. | soil nitrogen, nitrate, phosphorus, carbon, cultivation, disturbance, recovery |
Wehlage, D.C., Gamon, J.A., Thayer, D., Hildebrand, D.V. | 2016 | Interannual variability in Dry Mixedgrass Prairie yield: A comparison of MODIS, SPOT, and field measurements. Remote Sensing 8:872 | NDVI, prairie yield, biomass; productivity, drought, Pinhorn Grazing Reserve |
MULTISAR | 2015 | MULTISAR: A multi-species conservation strategy for species at risk in the Grassland natural region of Alberta 2014-2015 Report. Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development. Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 153. Edmonton, AB. 34pp. + Appendix | |
Sim, Z., Booker, B.K., Viengkone, M., Davis, C.S., Leung, M.N.-Y., Russell, A.P., Paszkowski, C.A. | 2014 | Isolation and characterization of 8 polymorphic microsatellite markers from the Greater Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma hernandesi) | reptiles, Manyberries |
Byers, K., Proctor, H. | 2013 | Symbiotic arthropods from the house sparrow (Passer domesticus, Aves: Passeridae) from two locations in Alberta, Canada. Canadian Entomologist. 145(6): 668-673. | birds, mites, Mesostigmata, Acari |
Gardiner, L.E., Martino, J.A., Poulin, R.G., Somers, C.M. | 2011 | Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer populations on the Canadian prairies. Blue Jay. 69(2): 70-74. | species distribution, conservation, wildlife |
Bush, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Carpenter, J.E., Paszkowski, C.A., Boyce, M.S., Coltman, D.W. | 2010 | Birds of a feather do not always lek together: Genetic diversity of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Alberta. The Auk. 127(2): 343-353. | birds, sage grouse, Manyberries |
Wang, X.Y., Willms, W.D., Hao, X.Y., Zhao, M.L., Han, G.D. | 2010 | Cultivation and reseeding effects on soil organic matter in the Mixed Prairie. Soil Science Soc of America. 74(4): 1348-1355. | light-fraction, crested wheatgrass, wildrye, carbon, nitrogen, tillage, storage, runoff, soil organic carbon, disturbance, haying, carbon loss, Stipa, Bouteloua |
Snell, R.S., Addicott, J.F. | 2008 | Limiting the success of stem borers (Prodoxus quinquepunctellus) in yuccas: indirect effects of ants, aphids, and fruit position. Ecological Entomology 33(1): 119-126. | insects, mutualism, larval survivorship, yucca |
Snell, R.S., Addicott, J.F. | 2008 | Direct and indirect effects of ants on seed predation in moth/yucca mutualisms. Ecoscience. 15(3): 305-314. | insects, mutualism, behaviour |
Wall, D.H., Bradford, M.A., St. John, M.G., Trofymow, J.A., Behan-Pelletier, V., et al. | 2008 | Global decomposition experiment shows soil animal impacts on decomposition are climate-dependent. Global Change Biology, 14: 2661-2677. | climate decomposition index, decomposition, litter, mesofauna, soil biodiversity, soil |
Kruse, R.E., Tess, M.W., Heitschmidt, R.K. | 2007 | Livestock management during drought in the Northern Great Plains. I. A practical predictor of annual forage production. The Professional Animal Scientist. 23: 224-233. | drought, cattle forage |
Foreman, K., Nicholson, J., Matthias, L., Chandler, J. | 2006 | 2004 Pinhorn Grazing Reserve soapweed population survey. Alberta Species at Risk Report. 111: i-iii, 1-9. | conservation, nutrition, diet, biodiversity |
Walburger, A.M., Crews, D.H. | 2004 | Improving market selection for fed beef cattle: The value of real-time ultrasound and relations data. Canadian J of Agricultural Economics. 52(1): 1-16. | genetics, backfat, models, yield |
Whalen, J.K., Willms, W.D., Dormaar, J.F. | 2003 | Soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in modified rangeland communities. J. Range Management 56(6): 665-672. | cultivated, introduced grasses, alfalfa, native rangeland, extractable nutrients |
COSEWIC | 2002 | Assessment and update status report on the Yucca moth (Tegeticula yuccasella) in Canada. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada. Archived Species at Risk Public Registry. | conservation, wildlife |
Dormaar, J.F., Tovell, B.C., Willms, W.D. | 2002 | Fingerprint composition of seedling root exudates of selected grasses. J. Range Mgmt. 55: 420-423. | |
Wershler, C., Wallis, C. | 2002 | Mountain plover habitat and population surveys in Alberta, 2001. Alberta Species at Risk Report. 37: i-iv, 1-11. | conservation, biodiversity, populations dynamics |
Willms, W.D., Dormaar, J.F., Adams, B.W., Douwes, H.E. | 2002 | Response of the mixed prairie to protection from grazing. J. Range Mgmt. 55: 210-216. | |
Willms, W.D., Kenzie, O.R., McAllister, T.A., Colwell, D., Veira, D., Wilmshurst, J.F., Entz, T., Olson, M.E. | 2002 | Effects of water quality on cattle performance. J of Range Management. 55(5): 452-460. | ponds, dugouts, weight gain, water intake |
Crews, D.H. Jr. | 2001 | Alternative ultrasonic predictors of beef carcass longissimus muscle area. Prof. Anim. Scientist 17: 303-308. | |
Crews, D.H. Jr., Kemp, R.A. | 2001 | Genetic parameters for ultrasound and carcass measures of yield among replacement and slaughter beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79: 3008-3020. | |
Charagu, P.K., Crews, D.H. Jr., Kemp, R.A., Mwansa, P.B. | 2000 | Machine effects on accuracy of ultrasonic prediction of backfat and ribeye area in beef bulls, steers and heifers. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 19-24. | |
Colwell, D.D. | 2000 | Persistence of cattle grubs on a Canadian ranch with long-term, continuous therapeutic control. Elsevier Science B.V. Veterinary Parasitology 94: 127-132. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Willms, W.D. | 2000 | A comparison of soil chemical characteristics in modified rangeland communities. J. Range Management 53(4): 453-458. | Onefour, Stavely |
Dormaar, J.F., Willms, W.D. | 2000 | Rangeland management impacts on soil biological indicators in southern Alberta. J. Range Manage. 53: 233-238. | |
Hill, M.J., Smith, A.M., Foster, T.C. | 2000 | Remote sensing of grassland with RADARSAT; case studies from Australia and Canada. Can. J. Remote Sensing 26 (4): 285-296. | |
Mwansa, P.B., Kemp, R.A., Crews, D.H. Jr., Kastelic, J.P., Bailey, D.R.C., Coulter, G.H. | 2000 | Comparison of models for genetic evaluation of scrotal circumference in crossbred bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 78: 275- 282. | |
Mwansa, P.B., Kemp, R.A., Crews, D.H. Jr., Kastelic, J.P., Bailey, D.R.C., Coulter, G.H. | 2000 | Selection for cow lifetime pregnancy rate using bull and heifer growth and reproductive traits in composite cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 507-510. | |
Tosh, J.J., Kemp, R.A. | 2000 | Genetic trends for weaning weight during development of a multibreed population of beef cattle in two contrasting environments. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 191-193. | |
Crews, D.H. Jr., Kemp, R.A. | 1999 | Contributions of preweaning growth information and maternal effects for prediction of carcass trait breeding values among crossbred beef cattle. Canadian J of Animal Science. 79(1): 17-25. | birth weight, beef cattle, carcass quality, breeds, crossbreds, maternal weight, weaning |
Tosh, J.J., Kemp, R.A., Ward, D.R. | 1999 | Estimates of direct and maternal genetic parameters for weight traits and backfat thickness in a multibreed population of beef cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 79: 433-439. | |
Dormaar, J.F, Adams, B.W., Willms, W.D. | 1997 | Impacts of rotational grazing on Mixed Prairie soils and vegetation. J. Range Management, 50(6): 647-651. | Antelope Creek Ranch |
Eberth, D.A., Brinkman, D.B. | 1997 | Paleoecology of an esturarine, incised-valley fill in the Dinosaur Park formation (Judith River Group, Upper Cretaceous) of southern Alberta, Canada. Palaios 12(1): 43-58. | estuary, deposits, geology |
Mir, P.S., Bailey, D.R.C., Mir, Z., Jones, S.D.M., Entz, T., Husar, S.D., Shannon, N.H., Robertson, W.M. | 1997 | Effect of feeding barley based diets on animal performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of crossbred beef cattle with and without Wagyu genetics. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 77: 655-662. | |
Eberth, D.A. | 1996 | Origin and significance of mud-filled incised valleys (Upper Cretaceous) in southern Alberta, Canada. Sedimentology. 43(3): 459-477. | estuary, deposits, geology |
Willms, W.D., Kenzie, O., Mir, Z., Quinton, D. | 1996 | Effects of water supplied from old dugouts on the performance of cattle. Rangelands in a sustainable biosphere. Proceedings of the Fifth International Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 23-28 July, 1995. Volume 1: 606-607. | cattle, water quality, dugout, trough |
Coy, C.E. | 1995 | The first record of spiral coprolites from the Dinosaur Park Formation (Judith River Group, Upper Cretaceous), southern Alberta, Canada. J. Paleontology 69: 1191-1194. | |
Dormaar, J.F. Naeth, M. A., Willms, W.D., Chanasyk, D.S. | 1995 | Effect of native prairie, crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.) and Russian Wildrye (Elymus junceus Fisch.) on soil chemical properties. J. Range Management, 48(3): 258-263. | soil quality, soil organic matter, root mass, mixed prairie, introduced forages, soil sustainability; near Brooks and Hanna |
Mears, G.J., Kozub, G.C. | 1995 | Effect of selection for feedlot gain, breed and age on growth hormone and growth hormone kinetics in bull calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 75: 63-69. | |
Smith, A.M., Major, D.J., McNeil, R.L., Willms, W.D., Brisco, B., Brown, R.J. | 1995 | Complementarity of radar and visible-infrared sensors in assessing rangeland condition. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 52(3): 173-180. | imaging |
Dormaar, J. F.; Adams, B. W.; Willms, W. D. | 1994 | Effect of grazing and abandoned cultivation on a Stipa-Bouteloua community. J. Range Management, 47(1): 28-32. | Near Lethbridge |
McKay, R.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Weiss, G.M., Fredeen, H.T., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A., Bailey, D.R.C. | 1994 | Milk yield and composition in first-cross and backcross beef cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 74: 209- 216. | |
Newman, J.A., Rahnefeld, G.W., Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Lawson, J.E., Tong, A.K.W. | 1994 | Post-weaning gain of calves from first-cross and reciprocal back-cross cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 74: 613-619. | |
Newman, J.A., Rahnefeld, G.W., Tong, A.K.W., Jones, S.D.M., Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Bailey, D.R.C. | 1994 | Slaughter and carcass traits of calves from first-cross and reciprocal back-cross beef cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 74: 621-632. | |
Smith, A.M., Major, D.J., Hill, M.J., Willms, M.D., Brisco, B., Lindwall, C.W., Brown, R.J. | 1994 | Airborne synthetic-aperture radar analysis of rangeland revegetation of a Mixed prairie. J of Range Management. 47(5): 385-391. | radar backscatter, seeding, Russian wildrye, crested wheatgrass, canopy moisture |
Bailey, D.R.C., Rahnefeld, G.W., Entz, T., Fredeen, H.T., Newman, J.A., Weiss, G.M., M cKay, R.M. | 1993 | Growth patterns of first-cross and reciprocal backcross beef cows in two environments. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73: 805-821. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Willms. W.D. | 1993 | Decomposition of blue grama and rough fescue roots in prairie soils. J. Range Manage. 46: 207-213. | |
Bailey, D.R.C., Gilbert, R.P., Beauchemin, K.A., Petticlerc, D. | 1991 | Effects of creep feeding and breed composition on growth of heifer calves and milk production of their dams. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 71: 621- 628. | |
Bailey, D.R.C., Gilbert, R.P., Lawson, J.E. | 1991 | Postweaning growth of unselected Hereford and Angus cattle fed two different diets. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 2403-2412. | |
Gilbert, R.P., Bailey, D.R.C. | 1991 | Hair coat characteristics and postweaning growth of Hereford and Angus cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 498-506. | |
MacNeil, M.D., Bailey, D.R.C, Urick, J.J., Gilbert, R.P., Reynolds, W.R. | 1991 | Heritabilities and genetic correlations for postweaning growth and feed intake of beef bulls and steers. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 3183- 3189. | |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Weiss, G.M., Fredeen, H.T., McKay, R.M., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A., Bailey, D.R.C. | 1991 | Reproductive efficiency of F1 and reciprocal backcross beef cows under contrasting environments. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 71: 969-985. | |
Bailey, C.B., Lawson, J.E., Mears, G.J. | 1990 | Blood composition in Hereford and Angus bulls from lines selected for rapid growth on high-energy or low-energy diets. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 305-307. | |
Bailey, C.B., Mears, G.J. | 1990 | Birth weight in calves and its relation to growth rates from birth to weaning and weaning to slaughter. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 167-173. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Smoliak, S., Willms, W.D. | 1990 | Soil chemical properties during succession from abandoned cropland to native range. J. Range Manage. 43: 260-265. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Willms, W.D. | 1990 | Effect of grazing and cultivation on some chemical properties of soils in the mixed-prairie. J. Range Manage. 43: 456-460. | |
McKay, R.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Weiss, G.M., Fredeen, H.T., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A., Bailey, D.R.C. | 1990 | Live body measurements from first-cross and backcross cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 389-400. | |
McKay, R.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Weiss, G.M., Fredeen, H.T., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A., Bailey, D.R.C. | 1990 | Preweaning performance of calves from first-cross and reciprocal backcross cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 35-44. | |
McKay, R.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Weiss, G.M., Fredeen, H.T., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A., Bailey, D.R.C. | 1990 | Calving ease and calf mortality in first-cross and backcross cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 45-54. | |
Rahnefeld, G.W., McKay, R.M., Weiss, G.M., Fredeen, H.T., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1990 | Growth and maternal performance of two year-old F1 and reciprocal backcross heifers in two environments. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 15-34. | |
Bailey, C.B., Lawson, J.E. | 1989 | Rate and efficiency of gain in Hereford and Angus bulls from lines selected for rapid growth on high-energy and low-energy diets. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 161-172. | |
Bailey, C.B., Lawson, J.E. | 1989 | Carcass and empty body composition of Hereford and Angus bulls from lines selected for rapid growth on high-energy or low-energy diets. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 583 -594. | |
McKay, R.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Lawson, J.E., Fredeen, H.T. | 1989 | Live body measurements in ten first-crosses of beef cows raised in two environments. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 69-82. | |
Bailey, D.R.C., Entz, T., Fredeen, H.T., Rahnefeld, G.W. | 1988 | Operator and machine effects on ultrasonic measures of beef cows. Livest. Prod. Sci. 18: 305-309. | |
Bailey, D.R.C., Swierstra, E.E., Entz, T. | 1988 | Postpartum interval in 10 first-crosses of beef cows under drylot and range conditions. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 68: 1027-1033. | |
Coulter, G.H., Bailey, D.R.C. | 1988 | Epididymal sperm reserves in 12-month-old Angus and Hereford bulls: Effect of bull strain plus dietary energy. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 16: 169-175. | |
Coulter, G.H., Bailey, D.R.C. | 1988 | Effects of ultrasonography on the bovine testes and seminal quality. Theriogenology 30: 743-749. | |
Dormaar, J.F. | 1988 | Effect of plant roots on chemical and biochemical properties of surrounding discrete soil zones. Can. J. Soil Sci. 68: 233-242. | |
Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1988 | Genotype x environment interactions for beef cow performance during lactation. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 68: 619 -636. | |
Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1988 | Breed cross differences in feed inputs for lactating beef cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 68: 1171-1186. | |
Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Lawson, J.E., Ward, D. | 1988 | Beef cattle production in relation to environment. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 68: 15-28. | |
Nordin, K.E., McGillvray, W.B., Biermann, G.C. | 1988 | Courtship feeding in Brewer's sparrows (Spizella breweri). J of Field Ornithology 59(1): 33-36. | birds |
Peters, H.F., Vesely, J.A. | 1988 | Brahman-British beef cattle crosses in Canada. II. Postweaning growth and carcass characteristics. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 68: 345-353. | |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Weiss, G.M., Fredeen, H.T., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1988 | Genetic effects on post-weaning growth of three-way cross beef cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 68: 647-654. | |
Tong, A.K.W., N ewman, J.A., Rahnefeld, G.W., Lawson, J.E., Fredeen, H.T. | 1988 | The relationship of sire evaluations for ease of calving and birth weight. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 68: 557 -560. | |
Bailey, C.B., Lawson, J.E. | 1987 | Russian wildrye grass restricts the formation of siliceous urinary calculi in range calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 67: 1139-1141. | |
Biermann, G.C., McGillivray, W.B., Nordin, K.E. | 1987 | The effect of cowbird parasitism on Brewer sparrow productivity in Alberta. J of Field Ornithology. 58(3): 350-354. | birds |
Coulter, G.H., Carruthers, T.D., Amann, R.P., Kozub, G.C. | 1987 | Testicular development, daily sperm production and epididymal sperm reserves in 15-mo-old Angus and Hereford bulls. Effects of bull strain plus dietary energy. J. Anim. Sci. 64: 254-260. | |
Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1987 | Breed cross comparisons of beef cow productivity relative to winter feed inputs. J. Anim. Sci. 64: 714-727. | |
Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A., Ward, D. | 1987 | Beef cattle reproduction in relation to the environment. Can. J of Animal Science. 68: 15-28. | Beef cows, reproductive performance, lifespan |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Fredeen, H.T., McKay, R.M., Weiss, G.M., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1987 | Genotype x environment interactions for postweaning growth performance of backcross bulls. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 67: 359-370. | |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Fredeen, H.T., McKay, R.M., Weiss, G.M., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1987 | Genotype x environment interactions for carcass traits of backcross bulls. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 67: 549 -552. | |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Weiss, G.M., Fredeen, H.T., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1987 | Non-genetic influences on performance testing of beef cattle. Lives. Prod. Sci. 16: 349-361. | |
Smith, E.G., Lawson, J.E., Klein, K.K., Rahnefeld, G.W. | 1987 | Economics of calf production with foreign cattle breed crosses in the short-grass prairies. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 67: 973-984. | |
Smoliak, S. | 1986 | Influence of climatic conditions on production of Stipa-Bouteloua Prairie over a 50-YearPeriod. J of Range Management. 39(2): 100-103. | forage yield, production, wind speed, temperature, evaporation, precipitation |
Willms, W.D., Smoliak, S., Bailey, A.W. | 1986 | Herbage production following litter removal on Alberta native grasslands. J. Range Manage. 39: 536-539. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Smoliak, S. | 1985 | Recovery of vegetation and soil on abandoned farmland in semi-arid climate. Research Highlights, 1984. 73 p. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Smoliak, S. | 1985 | Recovery of vegetative cover and soil organic matter during revegetation of abandoned farmland in a semiarid climate. J. Range Manage. 38: 487-491. | |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Cliplef, R.L., Martin, A.H. | 1985 | Carcass quality characteristics of three-way cross beef cattle reared at two locations. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 65: 51-68. | |
Smoliak, S. | 1985 | Flora of the Manyberries Research Station. Agriculture Canada. Tech Bulletin 1985-4E. | Plant communities, species list, site description |
Smoliak, S., Dormaar, J.F. | 1985 | Productivity of Russian Wildrye and Crested Wheatgrass and their effect on prairie soils. J. Range Management, 38(5): 403-405. | |
Bradley, C., Smith, D.G. | 1984 | Meanering channel response to altered flow regime - Milk River, Alberta and Montana. Water Resources Research. 20(12): 1913-1920. | Manyberries |
Coulter, G.H., Kozub, G.C. | 1984 | Testicular development, epididymal sperm reserves and seminal quality in two-year-old Hereford and Angus bulls: Effects of two levels of dietary energy. J. Anim. Sci. 59 (2): 432-440. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Johnston, A., Smoliak, S. | 1984 | Seasonal changes in carbon content, and dehydrogenase, phosphatase, and urease activities in mixed prairie and fescue grassland Ah horizons. J. Range Management, 37(1): 31-35. | Onefour, Stavely |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1984 | Carcass characteristics of three-way cross progeny from Charolais-, Simmental-, and Limousin-sired F1 dams vs. Hereford x Angus dams. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 64: 597 -611. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Sauerbeck, D.R. | 1983 | Seasonal effects on photoassimilated carbon-14 in the root system of blue grama and associated soil organic matter. Soil Biol. Biochem. 15: 475-479. | |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1983 | Sex and year effects on carcass characteristics of three-way cross beef cattle reared at two locations. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 63: 285 -298. | |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1983 | Breed of terminal sire effects on carcass characteristics of three-way cross beef cattle reared at two locations. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 63: 523-533. | |
Rahnefeld, G.W., Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1983 | Effects of breed of sire and breed of dam of cow on carcass characteristics of three-way cross beef cattle reared at two locations. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 63: 791 -802. | |
Smoliak, S., Johnston, A. | 1983 | Walsh western wheatgrass. Can. J. Plant Sci. 63: 759-761. | |
Coulter, G.H., Keller, D.G. | 1982 | Scrotal circumference of young beef bulls: Relationship to paired testes weight, effect of breed and predictability. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 62: 133-139. | |
Dormaar, J.F. | 1982 | Aliphatic carboxylic acids in Chernozemic soils. Can. J. Soil Sci. 62: 487-494. | |
Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A., Rahnefeld, G.W. | 1982 | Environmental and genetic effects on preweaning performance of calves from first-cross cows. I. Calving ease and preweaning mortality. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 62: 35-49. | |
Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1982 | Environmental and genetic effects on preweaning performance of calves from first-cross cows. II. Growth traits. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 62: 51-67. | |
Hanson, C.L., Wight, J.R., Smith, J.P., Smoliak, S. | 1982 | Use of historical yield data to forecast range herbage production. J of Range Management. 35(5): 614-616. | forage yield, Manyberries |
Lawson, J.E. | 1982 | Performance of dairy crosses with the Hereford in a range environment. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 62: 717 -724. | |
Bailey, C.B., Lawson, J.E. | 1981 | Estimated water and forage intake in nursing range calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 61: 415-421. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Smoliak, S., Johnston, A. | 1981 | Seasonal fluctuations of blue grama roots and chemical characteristics. J. Range Management, 34(1): 62-64. | |
Fredeen, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A., Rahnefeld, G.W. | 1981 | Lifetime reproductive efficiency of first-cross beef cows under contrasting environments. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 61: 539- 554. | |
Freeden, H.T., Weiss, G.M., Rahnefeld, G.W., Lawson, J.E., Newman, J.A. | 1981 | Growth patterns of first-cross cows under two environments. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 61: 243-259. | |
Lawson, J.E. | 1981 | Feedlot and carcass traits of progeny of dams of the Highland and Hereford breeds and their reciprocal crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 61: 27-34. | |
Lawson, J.E. | 1981 | Milk production and weight of the Hereford and Highland breeds and their reciprocal crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 61: 861 -869. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F. | 1981 | Lamb production from ewes of four breeds and their two-, three-, and four-breed crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 61: 271-277. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Johnston, A., Smoliak, S. | 1980 | Organic solvent-soluble organic matter from soils underlying native range and crested wheatgrass in southeastern Alberta. J. Range Manage. 33: 99-101. | |
Hardman, J.M., Smoliak, S. | 1980 | Potential economic impact of rangeland grasshoppers (Acrididae) in southeastern Alberta. Can. Entomologist. 112: 277-284. | |
Laird, M., Leech, R. | 1980 | Observations of the short-horned lizard in southeastern Alberta. Blue Jay. 38(4): 214-218. | feeding, behaviour, reptiles |
Lawson, J.E., Fredeen, H.T., Newman, J.A., Rahnefeld, G.W. | 1980 | Crosses of three exotic and three British breeds: Performance in two environments of two-year-old cows and their calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 60: 811-824. | |
Smoliak, S., Johnston, A. | 1980 | Elbee northern wheatgrass. Can. J. Plant Sci. 60: 1473-1475. | |
Barendregt, R.W., Ongley, E.D. | 1979 | Slope recession in the Onefour-badlands, Alberta, Canada: Initial appraisal of contrasted moisture regimes. Canadian J of Earth Sciences. 16(2): 224-229. | geology |
Dormaar, J.F. | 1979 | Alkaline cupric oxide oxidation of roots and alkaline-extractable organic matter of Chernozemic soils. Can. J. Soil Sci. 59: 27-35. | |
Keller, D.G., Smith, V.G., Coulter, G.H., King, G.J. | 1979 | Serum growth hormone concentration in Hereford and Angus calves: Effects of breed, sire, sex, age, age of dam, and diet. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 59: 367- 373. | |
Vesely, J.A. | 1979 | Performance of progeny of Finnish landrace and Dorset Horn rams mated to ewes of various breeds and crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 58: 399-408. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F. | 1979 | Lamb growth performance of certain pure breeds and their 2-, 3-, and 4-breed crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 59: 349-357. | |
Keller, D.G., Lawson, J.E. | 1978 | Influence of bison percentage on pre- and postweaning traits of cattalo calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 58: 537-545. | |
Smoliak, S., Johnston, A. | 1978 | Additions to the flora of Alberta and new records. Naturalist 92 (1): 85- 89. | |
Dormaar, J.F., Johnston, A., Smoliak, S. | 1977 | Seasonal variation in chemical characteristics of soil organic matter of grazed and ungrazed mixed prairie and fescue grassland. J. Range Management, 30(3): 195-198. | Onefour, Stavely |
Dormaar, J.F., Johnston, A., Smoliak, S. | 1977 | Long-term soil changes under crested wheatgrass in southeastern Alberta. Forage Notes 22 (1): 80-83. | |
Herman, W.A., McGill, W.B, Dormaar, J.F. | 1977 | Effects of initial chemical composition on decomposition of roots of three grass species. Can. J. Soil Sci. 57: 205-215. | |
Keller, D.G., Lawson, J.E., Peters, H.F. | 1977 | Diameter of muscle fibers and composition of selected retail cuts from cattalo and Hereford carcasses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 57: 509 -517. | |
Lawson, J.E., Keller, D.G, Peters, H.F. | 1977 | Slaughter and carcass characteristics of cattalo, Hereford, and 1 /4 Brahman-3/4 Hereford yearlings. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 57: 689 -695. | |
Vesely, J.A., Kozub, G.C., Peters, H.F. | 1977 | Additive and non-additive genetic effects on growth traits in matings among Romnelet, Columbia, Suffolk, and North Country Cheviot breeds. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 57: 233-238. | |
Lawson, J.E. | 1976 | Birth and weaning weights of Herefords and crosses among the Hereford, Highland, and Angus breeds. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 56: 147 -155. | |
Lawson, J.E., Keller, D.G. | 1976 | Pre- and postweaning growth of cattalo, Hereford, and 1/4 Brahman-3/4 Hereford calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 56: 489-496. | |
Lawson, J.E., Peters, H.F. | 1976 | Growth and carcass traits of cattalo, Hereford, and 1 /4-Brahman bull calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 56: 193-199. | |
Lutwick, L.E., Dormaar, J.F. | 1976 | Relationships between the nature of soil organic matter and root lignins of grasses in a zonal sequence of Chernozemic soils. Can. J. Soil Sci. 56: 363-371. | |
Smoliak, S. | 1976 | Cabree Russian wild ryegrass. Can. J. Plant Sci. 56: 993-996. | |
Dormaar, J.F. | 1975 | Susceptibility of organic matter of Chernozemic Ah horizons to biological decomposition. Can. J. Soil Sci. 55: 473-480. | |
Lawson, J.E. | 1975 | Feedlot and carcass traits of steers of the Highland and Hereford breeds and their reciprocal crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 55: 169 -177. | |
Smoliak, S., Johnston, A. | 1975 | Seedling competition of some grasses in mono- and mixed-culture under greenhouse conditions. Can. J. Plant Sci. 55: 935-940. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F. | 1975 | Response to selection for weight-per-day-of-age in Rambouillet and Romnelet. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 55: 1-8. | |
Smoliak, S. | 1974 | Range vegetation and sheep production at three stocking rates on Stipa-Bouteloua prairie. J. Range M anage. 27: 23-26. | |
Smoliak, S., Slen, S.B. | 1974 | Beef production on native range, crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye pastures. J. Range Manage. 27: 433-436. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F. | 1974 | Lamb production from ewes of four breeds and their two-breed and three-breed crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 54: 543-549. | |
Vesely, J.A. | 1973 | Skinning time for ram and wether lambs and its implication in pricing and marketing entire males. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 53: 195-196. | |
Smoliak, S., Dormaar, J.F., Johnston, A. | 1972 | Long-term grazing effects on Stipa-Bouteloua Prairie soils. J of Range Management. 25(4): 246-250. | sheep, grazing, stocking intensity, roots, soil carbon |
Smoliak, S., Slen, S.B. | 1972 | Wool production of range ewes at three intensities of grazing. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 52: 485-490. | |
Vesely, J.A. | 1972 | Heritabilities and genetic correlations in morphologic characteristics of baby teeth in Rambouillet and Romnelet sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 52: 273-281. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F. | 1972 | Interrelationship of bone, lean meat, and fat in five breeds of lamb. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 52: 629-636. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F. | 1972 | Lamb growth performance of Romnelet, Columbia, Suffolk and N. C. Cheviot breeds and all single and three-breed crosses among them. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 52: 283-293. | |
Johnston, A., Smoliak, S., Hironaka, R., Hanna, M.R. | 1971 | Oxley cicer milkvetch. Can. J. Plant Sci. 51: 428-429. | |
Dormaar, J.F. | 1970 | Phospholipids in chernozemic soils of southern Alberta. Soil Sci. 110(2): 136-139. | |
Smoliak, S., Johnston, A., Wilson, D.B. | 1970 | Seedling growth of crested wheatgrass and Russian wild ryegrass. Can. J. Plant Sci. 50: 559-563. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F., Slen, S.B., Robison, O.W. | 1970 | Heritabilities and genetic correlations in growth and wool traits of Rambouillet and Romnelet sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 30: 174-181. | |
Vesely, J.A., Robison, O.W. | 1970 | Genotype-sex interactions in sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 31: 273-277. | |
Hironaka, R., Peters, H.F. | 1969 | Energy requirements for wintering mature pregnant beef cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 49: 323-330. | |
Johnston, A., Smoliak, S., Smith, A.D., Lutwick, L.E. | 1969 | Seasonal precipitation, evaporation, soil moisture, and yield of fertilized range vegetation. Canadian J of Plant Science. 49: 123-128. | water use efficiency, nitrogen, phosphorus |
Johnston, A., Smoliak, S., Stringer, P.W. | 1969 | Viable seed populations in Alberta prairie topsoils. Can.J. Plant Sci. 49: 75-82. | |
Smoliak, S. | 1968 | Grazing studies on native range, crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye pastures. J. Range Manage. 21: 47-50. | |
Smoliak, S., Johnston, A. | 1968 | Germination and early growth of grasses at four root-zone temperatures. Can. J. Plant Sci. 48: 119-127. | |
Johnston, A., Bezeau, L.M, Smoliak, S. | 1967 | Variations in silica content of range grasses. Can. J. Plant Sci. 47: 65-71. | |
Johnston, A., Smoliak, S., Smith, A.D, Lutwick, L.E. | 1967 | Improvement of southeastern Alberta range with fertilizers. Can. J. Plant Sci. 47: 671-678. | |
Lawson, J.E. | 1967 | Subsequent performance of bull calves wintered on two planes of nutrition and two feeding methods. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 47: 181 -186. | |
Peters, H.F., Slen, S.B. | 1967 | Brahman-British beef cattle crosses in Canada. I. Weaned calf production under range conditions. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 46: 145-151. | |
Smoliak, S., Bezeau, L.M. | 1967 | Chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of range forage plants of the Stipa-Bouteloua prairie. Can. J. Plant Sci. 47: 161-167. | |
Smoliak, S., Johnston, A., Lutwick. L.E. | 1967 | Productivity and durability of crested wheatgrass in southeastern Alberta. Can. J. Plant Sci. 47: 539-548. | |
Bezeau, L.M., Johnston, A., Smoliak, S. | 1966 | Silica and protein content of mixed prairie and fescue grassland vegetation and its relationship to the incidence of silica urolithiasis. Can. J. Plant Sci. 46: 625-631. | |
Peters, H.F., Slen, S.B. | 1966 | Range calf production of cattle x bison, cattalo, and Hereford cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 46: 157-164. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F, Slen, S.B. | 1966 | Lamb and wool production from five breeds on range. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 46: 9-18. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F. | 1966 | Feedlot performance of five breeds of sheep and their carcass characteristics. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 46: 139-148. | |
Khan, M.A., Lawson, J.E. | 1965 | Summer treatments for cattle grub control and their effects on horn flies and cattle weight gains. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 45: 43-50. | |
Kilcher, M.R., Smoliak, S., Hubbard, W.A., Johnston, A., Gross, A.T.H., McCurdy, E.V. | 1965 | Effects of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on selected sites of native grassland in western Canada. Can. J. Plant Sci. 45: 229-237. | |
Smoliak, S. | 1965 | Effects of manure, straw, and inorganic fertilizers on Northern Great Plains ranges. J. Range Manage. 18: 11-14. | |
Smoliak, S. | 1965 | A comparison of ungrazed and light-grazed Stipa-Bouteloua prairie in southeastern Alberta. Can. J. Plant Sci. 45: 270-275. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F. | 1965 | Fertility, prolificacy, weaned lamb production, and lamb survival ability in four range breeds of sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 45: 75-77. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F., Slen, S.B. | 1965 | The effect of breed and certain environmental factors on wool traits of range sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 45: 91-97. | |
Wilkinson, P.R., Lawson, J.E. | 1965 | Differences of sites of attachment of Dermacentor andersoni Stiles to cattle in southeastern Alberta and in south central British Columbia, in relation to possible existence of genetically different strains of ticks. Can. J. Zoology 43: 408 -411. | |
Lawson, J.E., Peters, H.F. | 1964 | The birth and weaning weights of Highland and Hereford cattle and their reciprocal crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci 44: 174-178. | |
Peters, H.F., Slen, S.B. | 1964 | Hair coat characteristics of bison, domestic x bison hybrids, cattalo, and certain domestic breeds of beef cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 44: 48-56. | |
Smoliak, S. | 1964 | Relationships of some growth characteristics of three grass species. Can. J. Plant Sci. 44:161-166. | |
Vesely, J.A., Peters, H.F. | 1964 | The effects of breed and certain environmental factors on birth and weaning traits of range sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 44: 215-219. | |
Bailey, C.B., Bezeau, L.M., Lawson, J.E. | 1963 | Silica urolithiasis in beef cattle. V. Effect of controlling urine pH on the incidence and composition of urinary calculi in calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 43: 150-155. | |
Peters, H.F., Slen, S.B, Hargrave, H.J. | 1961 | Development of the Romnelet sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci.41: 102-108. | |
Peters, H.F., Slen, S.B., Hargrave, H.J. | 1961 | Genetic trends in performance of the Romnelet sheep during the period of breed development. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 41: 126-133. | |
Peters, H.F., Slen, S.B., Hargrave, H.J. | 1961 | An appraisal of selection in the Romnelet sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 41: 205-211. | |
Vesely, J.A., Slen, S.B. | 1961 | Heritabilities of weaning weight, yearling weight, and clean fleece weight in range Romnelet sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 41: 109-114. | |
Smoliak, S. 1960. | 1960 | Effects of deferred-rotation and continuous grazing on yearling steer gains and short-grass prairie vegetation of southeastern Alberta. J. Range Manage. 13: 239-243. | |
Peters, H.F. | 1958 | A feedlot study of bison, cattalo and Hereford calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 38: 87-90. | |
Slen, S.B., Banky, E.C., Peters, H.F. | 1958 | Shearling and second-year clean fleece weights as an index of wool production in three breeds of range sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 38: 53-60. | |
Smoliak, S., Slen, S.B. | 1958 | Effects of certain supplements and methods of feeding during late pregnancy on lamb and wool production of mature ewes. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 38: 91-96. | |
Peters, H.F., Newbound, K.B. | 1957 | Intra-testicular temperature and fertility of bison, cattalo and Hereford yearling bulls. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 37: 14-20. | |
Smoliak, S. | 1956 | Influence of climatic conditions on forage production of short-grass rangeland. J. Range Manage. 9: 89-91. | |
Smoliak, S., Peters, H.F. | 1955 | Climatic effects on foraging performance of beef cows on winter range. Can. J. Agric. Sci. 35: 213-216. | |
Slen, S.B., Peters, H.F., Myhr, P.I. | 1954 | The relationship of clean fleece weight to body weight in range sheep. Can. J. Agr. Sci. 34: 198-202. | |
Hubbard, W.A., Smoliak, S. | 1953 | Effect of contour dykes and furrows on short-grass prairie. J of Range Management. 6(1): 55-62. | forage production, yield, moisture loss, water spreading systems, furrows, terraces |
Slen, S.B., Whiting, F., Peters, H.F., McNaughton, W.N. | 1953 | The comparison of certain breeds of range sheep under different environmental conditions. Can. J. Agr. Sci. 33: 344-353. | |
Hubbard, W.A. | 1951 | Rotational grazing studies in western Canada. J. Range Management, 4(1): 25-29. | |
Williams, S.B., Sylvestre, P.E., Bowstead, J.E., Ewen, A.H., Myhr, P.I., Peters, H.F. | 1950 | Supplemental feeding of pregnant ewes. Scientific Agriculture 30: 1-11. | |
Hubbard, W.A. | 1949 | Results of studies of crested wheatgrass. Scientific Agriculture 29:385-395. | |
Clarke, S.E. | 1930 | Pasture investigations on the short grass plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Scientific Agriculture 10: 732-749 |