The Strategic Advisory Council helps the Rangeland Research Institute to identify research needs and priorities, and to formulate means to achieve specific institutional objectives.
Currently, 7 individuals with a diverse set of backgrounds and interests in the sustainable management of rangelands serve on the council.
Current Members
Barry Adams (Chair) | Head, Alberta Rangeland Resource Management Program (Retired)
Lethbridge, Alberta
Edward Bork | Director, Rangeland Research Institute
Professor and Mattheis Chair in Rangeland Ecology & Management, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Cameron Carlyle | Associate Professor, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Karin Schmid | Research and Production Manager, Alberta Beef Producers
Calgary, Alberta
Josie Van Lent | Producer
Staden Farms
Manville, Alberta
Walter Willms | Researcher (Emeritus), Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Lethbridge Research Centre
Lethbridge, Alberta
Dave Zehnder | Producer
Program Lead, Farmland Advantage
Invermere, British Columbia